Firefox For Mac 33
Follow the official Uptodown communities to keep up with all the new Android apps and games. Firefox stays speedy when other browsers become sluggish. More private than Chrome. Firefox respects your privacy by minimizing suggestive pop-ups. Bursting with features. Tabbed browsing, developer tools, extensions -- Firefox has it all, giving you the power to.
This document describes the user agent string used in Firefox 4 and later and applications based on 2.0 and later. For a breakdown of changes to the string in Gecko 2.0, see (blog post). See also this document on and this. General form The UA string of Firefox itself is broken down into four components: Mozilla/5.0 ( platform; rv: geckoversion) Gecko/ geckotrail Firefox/ firefoxversion • Mozilla/5.0 is the general token that says the browser is Mozilla compatible, and is common to almost every browser today. • platform describes the native platform the browser is running on (e.g. Windows, Mac, Linux or Android), and whether or not it's a mobile phone.
Firefox OS phones simply say ' Mobile'; the web is the platform. Note that platform can consist of multiple '; '-separated tokens. See below for further details and examples.
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• rv: geckoversion indicates the release version of Gecko (such as ' 17.0'). In recent browsers, geckoversion is the same as firefoxversion.
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• Gecko/ geckotrail indicates that the browser is based on Gecko. • On Desktop, geckotrail is the fixed string ' 20100101' • Firefox/ firefoxversion indicates the browser is Firefox, and provides the version (such as ' 17.0'). • from Firefox 10 on mobile, geckotrail is the same as firefoxversion.
The recommended way of sniffing for Gecko-based browsers (if you have to sniff for the browser engine instead of using feature detection) is by the presence of the ' Gecko' and ' rv:' strings, since some other browsers include a ' like Gecko' token. For other products based on Gecko, the string can take one of two forms, where the tokens have the same meaning except those noted below: Mozilla/5.0 ( platform; rv: geckoversion) Gecko/ geckotrail appname/ appversion Mozilla/5.0 ( platform; rv: geckoversion) Gecko/ geckotrail Firefox/ firefoxversion appname/ appversion • appname/ appversion indicates the application name and version.
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For instance, this could be ' Camino/2.1.1', or ' SeaMonkey/2.7.1'. • Firefox/ firefoxversion is an optional compatibility token that some Gecko-based browsers may choose to incorporate, to achieve maximum compatibility with websites that expect Firefox.
Firefoxversion will generally represent the equivalent Firefox release corresponding to the given Gecko version. Some Gecko-based browsers may not opt into using this token; for this reason, sniffers should be looking for Gecko — not Firefox! Whether this token appears is controlled by the 'general.useragent.compatMode.firefox' boolean pref. Mobile and Tablet indicators. Only from Firefox 11 onwards. The platform part of the UA string indicates if Firefox is running on a phone-sized or tablet device.
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When Firefox runs on a device that has the phone form factor, there is a Mobile; token in the platform part of the UA string. When Firefox runs on a tablet device, there is a Tablet; token in the platform part of the UA string instead. Go to kindle for mac to kindle for ipad. For example: Mozilla/5.0 (Android 4.4; Mobile; rv:41.0) Gecko/41.0 Firefox/41.0 Mozilla/5.0 (Android 4.4; Tablet; rv:41.0) Gecko/41.0 Firefox/41.0. The version numbers are not relevant. Avoid inferring materials based on these.
Firefox For Mac 2018
The preferred way to target content to a device form factor is to use CSS Media Queries. However, if you use UA sniffing to target content to a device form factor, please look for Mobi (to include Opera Mobile, which uses 'Mobi') for the phone form factor and do not assume any correlation between 'Android' and the device form factor. This way, your code will work if/when Firefox ships on other phone/tablet operating systems or Android is used for laptops. Also, please use touch detection to find touch devices rather than looking for 'Mobi' or 'Tablet', since there may be touch devices which are not tablets. Firefox OS devices identify themselves without any operating system indication; for example: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; rv:15.0) Gecko/15.0 Firefox/15.0'. The web is the platform. Windows Windows user agents have the following variations, where x.y is the Windows NT version (for instance, Windows NT 6.1).