Line Spacing Word 2016 For Mac
The White Space parameter can be used only for Find because it encompasses more than just presses of the spacebar, such as use of the Tab key. For what you describe wanting to do continue using the same method. It still works the same way.
This video demonstrates how to change line and paragraph spacing in Word 2016 for Mac. A menu appears. Choose a new line spacing value. The line spacing is set for the current paragraph or all selected paragraphs. Word adds the extra space below each line of text. In this video, you’ll learn the basics of working with line and paragraph spacing Word 2016. Visit
When you double-click in a header or footer, Word opens that area for editing and displays the Header & Footer tab. On the Header & Footer tab, click Footer, and then scroll downward to find and click the style called Semaphore. Word for mac 2017 x of y. When I highlight the x to activate the whole table, a large rectangle appears starting at the top of the page, and the table slips up, into a position where I cannot find the X again, and cannot format the table to get it to fit properly on the page.
BTW: If a Reply doesn't solve your concern it's best to not mark it as an Answer:-) Most responders look at only unanswered questions & once marked as having an Answer it no longer displays in the unanswered group. I just happened to be looking for something else. Net nanny for mac review. Please mark HELPFUL or ANSWERED as appropriate to keep list as clean as possible ☺ Regards, Bob J. I'll put in my 2¢ worth, and Bob can let you know if it is worth nothing, or worth the 2¢. • Go to Find and let drop down menu appear. • Choose Advanced Find and Replace. • When Window Opens, in 'Find' type two spaces.
• Click in 'Replace' and type one space • Now either choose Replace all (will get rid of all double spaces in Document at once.) • Or, if you are still using, 20th-Century Typing Rules, select 'Find next,' then click on replace. Open office org for mac. (This takes much longer. But some Businesses and institutions still cling to the old rule of two spaces after a period. The rule should be placed along side the 'Bug Whip' and the 'Model T hand crank.' However, some still demand it. T-mac 4 shoes for sale. It ends up taking extra space and breaks up the flow of reading too much.) • Once you are finished It should show 'end of check' or 'end of Document.'
(You should always start at the beginning of a document.) _________ Disclaimer: The questions, discussions, opinions, replies & answers I create, are solely mine and mine alone and do not reflect upon my position as a Community Moderator. If my reply has helped, mark accordingly - Helpful or Answer Phillip M.
Jones, C.E.T.